Sell or Be Sold Book Review by Shiri Prasad

turnaround-king-Grant Cardone

Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone, book  review by: Shiri Prasad

Grant Cardone is a successful American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker who’s able to deliver professional first-rate coaching for your businesses. If your company passes through a hard time, then you need someone with great experience to sort your way out. This is exactly what Grant provides. You might have seen him on various TV shows, such as “Turnaround King” (where he is not only a but also the executive producer of the representation), NBC, Fox Business, Business Insider and numerous others.

We all need a friendly career advice at times, and if that advice is given by a coinesseur in the domain, then it can only be a lot better. Give your friends a break and invite them to a coffee while Cardone deals with all your specific problems. Building your vocation and maintaining on a top position is definitely not an easy task, but with the help of an expert, everything becomes possible. Allow Grant Cardone to help you and you will see a whole new road of possibilities building up your way. Continue reading

The 10x Rule Book Review written by: Shiri Prasad

Grant Cardone

For you to achieve significant success, you cannot operate like everybody else and end up settling for mediocrity. The 10x Rule prompts you to be extraordinary in the market by doing that which others don’t do. This book explains why and how you can achieve exceptional success in everything you are doing. Whether you work from home or venturing into entrepreneurship, this book has a lot of sense to impart in your mind. It takes you through important steps you should follow to achieve success. It is very realistic and it guides you towards sharing the mind of successful people. Continue reading