7 Things You Need To Know About Pokemon Go Before…



Here are 7 Things You Need To Know About Pokemon Go!

Pokémon Go is a mobile game many Smartphone users are engrossed in thus pushing them in the search of charming and fierce creatures. The game which is from The Pokémon Company is a reality experience game and is based on the video game series of Nintendo. It involves players heading outdoors looking for Pokémon with the help of a GPS map tracker. The game mainly requires the use of the camera by an operator in viewing creatures in the wild and making an effort to capture them. There are 250 Pokémon needed to be collected on the Go.

With that said below are the seven things you need to know about this game. 

1. Wear comfy shoes – Wearing of comfortable shoes will help you because you will have to walk a lot during the play. The game will require you explore your surroundings, e.g., the neighborhood, mall or park.

2. Catching duplicate Pokémon  – You need not worry catching duplicate Pokémon. Because whenever you get a new Pokémon you will notice that you can earn Candy and Stardust. Having both of these items will help to level your characters to make them stronger, having enough candy will also assist in evolving your Pokémon into a bigger and more powerful creature.

3. Eggs for snagging – The eggs provide a good way for snagging Pokémon. Because as you visit a Poke stop, there are Balls you can earn which will help you capture more eggs or creature. What is needed is for you to place the egg in an incubator which hatches a new Pokémon.

4. Incense and lure modules – Incense can attract Pokémon to your space for thirty minutes. And in case you are walking around and would wish to collect more Pokémon, then it provides a great way of doing it as there are lure modules which can have the same effect as incense at a Poke stop. Furthermore, the lure module can work for any player at the Poke Stop.

5. Smartphone charging  – Pokémon Go is a battery hog game as it requires your screen to be lit up all the time and that is why your battery case and the external charger will be more valuable as you will need them to charge your Smartphone more often.

6. Tossing the poke ball – To capture a Pokémon requires that you toss Poke Ball from the lower end of the screen towards its location. The better the tools, the more points you earn. You can throw a curve ball to catch this creature with flair. A green circle will expand and shrink when holding down the Pokémon before tossing.

7. Play safe – When seeking out a Pokémon while you are out walking you should try and look up once in a while to avoid tripping, falling or bumping into someone as this can get you hurt or break your Smartphone thus hampering your effort to win the game.

In conclusion, Pokémon game is not only for kids but can also be enjoyed by adults who are on the look for quick game fixing that requires some thought. Thus it is a game that can be played by male or female of different age group.

Written By: Shiri Prasad

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